Development documentation

Running tests

The tests will automatically include multithreading and/or GPU tests if multiple threads and/or a CUDA-enabled GPU are available. test/runtests.jl does not include all the tests, see the test directory for more, though these extra tests do not need to be run for every change. Various environmental variables can be set to modify the tests:

  • VISTESTS determines whether to run the GLMakie.jl plotting tests which will error on remote systems where a display is not available, default VISTESTS=1.
  • GPUTESTS determines whether to run the GPU tests, default GPUTESTS=1.
  • DEVICE determines which GPU to run the GPU tests on, default DEVICE=0.
  • GROUP can be used to run a subset of the tests, options All/Protein/Zygote/NotZygote, default GROUP=All.

The CI run does not carry out all tests - for example the GPU tests are not run - and this is reflected in the code coverage.


The benchmark directory contains some benchmarks for the package.