Custom solvers
In this example, we show how to define custom solvers. Our system will again be silicon, because we are not very imaginative
using DFTK, LinearAlgebra
a = 10.26
lattice = a / 2 * [[0 1 1.];
[1 0 1.];
[1 1 0.]]
Si = ElementPsp(:Si; psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4"))
atoms = [Si, Si]
positions = [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]
# We take very (very) crude parameters
model = model_LDA(lattice, atoms, positions)
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=5, kgrid=[1, 1, 1]);
We define our custom fix-point solver: simply a damped fixed-point
function my_fp_solver(f, x0, max_iter; tol)
mixing_factor = .7
x = x0
fx = f(x)
for n = 1:max_iter
inc = fx - x
if norm(inc) < tol
x = x + mixing_factor * inc
fx = f(x)
(; fixpoint=x, converged=norm(fx-x) < tol)
Our eigenvalue solver just forms the dense matrix and diagonalizes it explicitly (this only works for very small systems)
function my_eig_solver(A, X0; maxiter, tol, kwargs...)
n = size(X0, 2)
A = Array(A)
E = eigen(A)
λ = E.values[1:n]
X = E.vectors[:, 1:n]
(; λ, X, residual_norms=[], n_iter=0, converged=true, n_matvec=0)
Finally we also define our custom mixing scheme. It will be a mixture of simple mixing (for the first 2 steps) and than default to Kerker mixing. In the mixing interface δF
is $(ρ_\text{out} - ρ_\text{in})$, i.e. the difference in density between two subsequent SCF steps and the mix
function returns $δρ$, which is added to $ρ_\text{in}$ to yield $ρ_\text{next}$, the density for the next SCF step.
struct MyMixing
n_simple # Number of iterations for simple mixing
MyMixing() = MyMixing(2)
function DFTK.mix_density(mixing::MyMixing, basis, δF; n_iter, kwargs...)
if n_iter <= mixing.n_simple
return δF # Simple mixing -> Do not modify update at all
# Use the default KerkerMixing from DFTK
DFTK.mix_density(KerkerMixing(), basis, δF; kwargs...)
That's it! Now we just run the SCF with these solvers
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis;
n Energy log10(ΔE) log10(Δρ) Diag Δtime
--- --------------- --------- --------- ---- ------
1 -7.090073978406 -0.39 0.0 182ms
2 -7.226157343674 -0.87 -0.65 0.0 185ms
3 -7.249782177445 -1.63 -1.17 0.0 51.3ms
4 -7.250986294028 -2.92 -1.48 0.0 53.2ms
5 -7.251258312426 -3.57 -1.78 0.0 53.3ms
6 -7.251319808416 -4.21 -2.07 0.0 133ms
7 -7.251334099764 -4.84 -2.35 0.0 39.1ms
8 -7.251337569219 -5.46 -2.62 0.0 40.6ms
9 -7.251338457710 -6.05 -2.88 0.0 50.7ms
10 -7.251338698748 -6.62 -3.14 0.0 53.8ms
11 -7.251338767946 -7.16 -3.39 0.0 55.6ms
12 -7.251338788853 -7.68 -3.64 0.0 53.8ms
13 -7.251338795449 -8.18 -3.88 0.0 52.6ms
14 -7.251338797603 -8.67 -4.12 0.0 53.2ms
Note that the default convergence criterion is the difference in density. When this gets below tol
, the "driver" self_consistent_field
artificially makes the fixed-point solver think it's converged by forcing f(x) = x
. You can customize this with the is_converged
keyword argument to self_consistent_field