
This page formally defines the AtomsBase interface for particle systems. The main use-case for which the interface is designed is for systems of atoms. For this case some additional functionality is provided. The main abstract type introduced in AtomsBase is

An implementation of AbstractSystem{D},

struct ConcreteSystem{D} <: AbstractSystem{D}
   # ... 

specifies a system of particles that have a position in D dimensional Euclidean space. That is, the parameter D indicates the number of spatial dimensions into which each particle is embedded. A particle will normally also have additional properties such as mass, charge, chemical species, etc, but those are ignored in the interpretation of D.

The interface aims to achieve predictable behavior of several core functions to access information about a particle system.

  • Core Interface : this is a minimal read-only core of the AtomsBase interface and must be implemented by a subtype of AtomsBase.AbstractSystem to enable the implementation to be used across the AtomsBase ecosystem.
  • Setter Interface : (optional) It is strongly recommended that implementations requiring mutation follow this interface.
  • Optional properties interface : (optional) For some use-cases (e.g. managing datasets) it can be useful to allow a system to store more general properties about a particle system (or the individual particles themselves). The optional properties interface specifies the recommended interface for such as scenario.

Core Interface

A minimal implementation of the AtomsBase interface is read-only and must implement methods for the functions listed as follows.

System Properties and Cell Interface

A system is specified by a computational cell and particles within that cell (or, domain). System properties are properties of the entire particle system, as opposed to properties of individual particles.

  • Base.length(system) : return an Integer, the number of particles in the system; if the system describes a periodic cell, then the number of particles in one period of the cell is returned.
  • `AtomsBase.cell(system) : returns an object cell that specifies the computational cell. Two reference implementations, PeriodicCell and IsolatedCell that should serve most purposes are provided.

A cell object must implement methods for the following functions:

  • AtomsBase.cell_vectors(cell) : returns NTuple{D, SVector{D, T}} the cell vectors that specify the computational domain if it is finite. For isolated systems, the return values are unspecified.
  • AtomsBase.periodicity(cell) : returns NTuple{D, Bool}, booleans that specify whether the system is periodic in the direction of the D cell vectors provided by cell_vectors. For isolated systems periodicity must return (false, ..., false).
  • AtomsBase.n_dimensions(cell) : returns the dimensionality of the computational cell, it must match the dimensionality of the system.

AtomsBase provides cell_vectors and periodicity methods so that they can be called with a system as argument, i.e.,

cell_vectors(system) = cell_vectors(cell(system))
periodicity(system)  =  periodicity(cell(system))

Two recommended general purpose implementations of computational cells are provided as part of AtomsBase:

  • PeriodicCell : implementation of a periodic parallelepiped shaped cell
  • IsolatedCell : implementation of a cell describing an isolated system within an infinite domain.

Particle properties

  • position(system, i::Integer) : return an SVector{D, <: Unitful.Length} enconding the position of the ith particle
  • mass(system, i::Integer) : return a <: Unitful.Mass, the mass of the ith particle
  • species(system, i::Integer) : return an object that defines the particle species (kind, type, ...). In most cases this should be a categorical variable on which no arithmetic is defined. In atomistic simulation this is normally the chemical element (cf. AtomsBase.ChemicalSpecies), possibly augmented with additional information about the atom. But the interface does not require use of any specific type to define the particle species.

For each of property in [position, mass, species] there must also be defined

  • property(system, inds::AbstractVector{<: Integer}) : return a list (e.g. AbstractVector) of the requested property of the particles indexed by inds;
  • property(system, :) : return a list of the requested property for all particles in the system.

AtomsBase provides default fallbacks for these methods but they will normally be inefficient. The caller cannot assume whether a view or a copy are returned.

Iteration and Indexing over systems

There is a presumption of the ability to somehow extract an individual component (e.g. a single atom or molecule) of this system, though there are no constraints on the type of this component. To achieve this, an AbstractSystem object is expected to implement the Julia interfaces for iteration and indexing in order to access representations of individual components of the system. Some default dispatches of parts of these interfaces are already included, so the minimal set of functions to dispatch in a concrete implementation is Base.getindex and Base.length, though it may be desirable to customize additional behavior depending on context.

Setter Interface

The optional setter / mutation interface consists of the following functions to be overloaded.

For each of the particle property setters, i may be an Integer, an AbstractVector{<: Integer} or :.

Optional properties interface

For some use-cases (e.g. managing datasets) it can be useful to allow a system to store more general properties about a particle system or even the individual particles themselves. The optional properties interface specifies the recommended interface for such as scenario. The Tutorial provides a more detailed discussion and exmaples how these can be used. The prototype implementations also provide further details.

An implementation that wants to support the AtomsBase optional properties interface should implement the following methods:

System properties:

  • getindex
  • haskey
  • get
  • keys
  • pairs

Particle properties

  • atomkeys
  • hasatomkey

Future Interface Extensions

The AtomsBase developers are considering extending the AtomsBase interface with additional functions. Developers may keep this in mind during development. Issues or discussions related to this are welcome.

Here we maintain a list of possibly future interface functions:

  • charge
  • charge_dipole
  • velocity
  • momentum
  • spin
  • magnetic_moment
  • multiplicity